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A swedish take on the US Dodge [WC52]

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A swedish take on the US Dodge [WC52] Empty A swedish take on the US Dodge [WC52]

Message  retromike Ven 13 Fév 2015, 23:38

Heya everyone!

I am a swedish guy who has more or less been waiting my whole life to start a renovation like this!
My mind is totally fixed to the task of making my vehicle to a state where I can actually enjoy driving!!

Follow my tries as I evolve into the world of Dodge! And don't forget to drive your own! Twisted Evil

Bye bye from Sweden!

Best regards,

Nombre de messages : 5
Age : 53
Localisation : Sweden
Vehicule(s): : Dodge WC52
Date d'inscription : 10/02/2015

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A swedish take on the US Dodge [WC52] Empty Re: A swedish take on the US Dodge [WC52]

Message  upyoursbaby Sam 14 Fév 2015, 00:06

Hi Micahel ,

Welcome on the forum , that will provide you help and knowledge.
As most of people do not speak english, it might be quite helpfull for both, the writer and readers to use  the following link.
So more of us will be able to understand and then to answer you.

Présentation de Michael:

Je suis suédois qui a plus ou moins attendu ma vie entière pour commencer une rénovation comme ceci!
Mon esprit est totalement consacré à la tâche de faire mon véhicule à un état où je peux me faire plaisir en le conduisant !!

Suivez mes essais comme je me développe dans le monde de Dodge! Et n'oubliez pas de conduire le votre !

Salutations de Suède

1er classe
1er classe

Nombre de messages : 130
Age : 49
Localisation : longitude : 5°3', latitude : 45°3' FRANCE
Vehicule(s): : 1 hotchkiss M201 qui roule. 1 willys en restauration . 1 gros tas de pièces de jeep LOL
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2008

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A swedish take on the US Dodge [WC52] Empty Will do my best - in french: "Fera de mon mieux"

Message  retromike Sam 14 Fév 2015, 20:21

Thanks Wink
And sorry for my english only, will use your link and do my best - apologies for "strange" language though affraid

Nombre de messages : 5
Age : 53
Localisation : Sweden
Vehicule(s): : Dodge WC52
Date d'inscription : 10/02/2015

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A swedish take on the US Dodge [WC52] Empty Re: A swedish take on the US Dodge [WC52]

Message  yank Lun 16 Fév 2015, 05:44

Welcome Swedish Dodge Friend! Happy to see you enjoy the BEEP too! Hope you 'will find all what you search to restore your Truck!!!! Wink J-Marc

Nombre de messages : 1009
Age : 63
Localisation : 68 ht-rhin
Vehicule(s): : jeep m201 remorque Bantam et FORD Mustang
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2010

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A swedish take on the US Dodge [WC52] Empty Re: A swedish take on the US Dodge [WC52]

Message  yank Mar 17 Fév 2015, 20:49

I saw, in 1994, in Normandy, a swedisch guy, with a WC 51, he came by road, His Dodge was in the Norvegian Army , before being sold , and this man bought it to the first civilian norvegian owner in 1988! Smile

Nombre de messages : 1009
Age : 63
Localisation : 68 ht-rhin
Vehicule(s): : jeep m201 remorque Bantam et FORD Mustang
Date d'inscription : 16/11/2010

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A swedish take on the US Dodge [WC52] Empty Re: A swedish take on the US Dodge [WC52]

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